Drying Hopper (DH)

เครื่องอบแห้งสำหรับวัตถุดิบเม็ดและเศษบด ทั้งแบบอุ้มน้ำและไม่อุ้มน้ำ ในอุณหภูมิ ช่วง 60-180 ° c

For drying of hygroscopic and non-hygroscopic granular material and regrind, in the temp. range of 60-180°C. Heavily insulated, and with built-in heating element. Interior finish is in stainless steel AISI 304.

The new DH controller is capable of handling LESS*, and besides prepared for AFRS**, which combined with our optional frequency converter in the DFD-series, enables dramatic reduction of the energy consumption.

DH 15-800 L
50 mm insulation, sight glass, exterior in stainless steel.

DH 1200-12,000 L
75 mm insulation, sight glass, exterior in polished aluminium.

Fill level in DH is controlled via bottom flap signal from vacuum receiver. Additional level controls are available (optional). The DH cannot dry powder materials.